Naturally, your company is passionate about its professional public image – as it is the key to long-term success. But when it comes to public communications, you are often plagued by poor translations, substandard copy, inappropriate wording, inconsistent terminology or bad formatting. All of which takes precious time to fix.

We are here to fix it for you.

  1. Premium quality translation

    Our premium quality translations are the product of a multi-step process.

    At ELS, where we aim for the highest quality possible, translation is a multi-step process. This is how we ensure comprehensive, in-depth analysis of the copy.

    Step 1. Qualified translators translate the copy, detecting semantic subtleties to be discussed with the client and identifying the source document’s logical inconsistencies and factual errors to be analyzed and eliminated.

    Step 2. A business editor or a science editor (native speaker if requested) makes sure that the translation is accurate and appropriate, analyzes and standardizes the terminology, identifies and corrects factual and logical errors, and writes comments to the client regarding ambiguous phrases and semantic subtleties.

    Step 3. A literary editor (native speaker if requested) refines the document’s style, checking for incorrect semantic accents or inconsistent logic and making sure that the copy has perfectly adjusted rhythm, tone and flow.

    Step 4. A proofreader corrects any remaining typographical errors.

    In presentations, we always keep the original formatting (unless otherwise agreed beforehand), adjusting it for character count differences between the source copy and the translation.

    Our translations are worthy of native language professionals. We aim to create self-contained, robust versions of the source copy true to the rules and standards of the target language.

    We refer to this complex multi-step process as “translation” just to be brief. Premium quality translation is our core service and it showcases the full benefits of choosing us as your linguistic service provider.

  2. Standard translation

    We train our translators to take ownership of their product and not rely on the copyeditors to correct their mistakes.

    This “economy” translation service balances good quality with maximum savings. Such projects are undertaken by our regular translators without the involvement of copyeditors. This way our clients can reduce the cost of translating run-of-the-mill business documents if stylistic perfection is not a priority but it’s the accurate rendering of the contents that matters.

    Long-term monitoring of the linguistic services market in Russia shows that our “economy” translations are hardly inferior to the average post-copyediting output of regular translation providers; on the contrary, quite often our product is better. In our research, we look across such areas as consulting services, economics and finance, banking, real estate, public relations, marketing, advertising, and satellite technologies. In addition to checking test translations by job applicants who claim copyediting experience with other providers, we evaluate external translations we receive from our clients as a reference or with instructions to copyedit or give expert opinion.


  3. Copyediting

    We will help you express your ideas concisely and precisely, placing the emphasis where it’s needed.

    The copyediting process includes extensive and thorough revision of the documents to ensure:

    • Robust logic and clarity
    • Appropriate use of emphasis
    • Lack of semantic repetition
    • Concise wording without inflated phrases
    • Consistency in all linguistic aspects, from structure to punctuation
    • Verified factual information (people, companies, quotations, etc.)
    • Correct use of idioms and industry-specific terminology
    • Flawless style
    • Easy flow and good rhythm
    • Impeccable spelling and punctuation

    Our copyeditors always make sure that the copy is accessible to the target audience and native speakers in general. They provide detailed comments highlighting issues that need to be discussed with the client or explaining word or language choices that may not seem obvious.

    If a client requires us not only to improve an external translation, but also to ensure complete semantic consistency with the source copy, the copyeditor compares the edited copy against the source, correcting any semantic errors.

    Copyediting is a three-step process.

    Step 1. A business editor or a science editor checks, corrects and standardizes the terminology, identifies and corrects factual and logical errors, and writes comments to the client regarding ambiguous phrases and semantic subtleties.

    Step 2. A literary editor checks for incorrect semantic accents or inconsistent logic, refines the style and makes sure that the copy has perfectly adjusted rhythm and flow.

    Step 3. A proofreader corrects any remaining typographical errors.

  4. Rewriting

    With ELS, there is no need to worry about being misunderstood.

    We create new documents based on materials provided by the client (copywriting) or thoroughly revise existing documents (rewriting).

    We will bring your copy to perfection by identifying and removing any logical inconsistencies, improving the document’s structure and placing emphasis where it’s needed.

    Here are some standard examples: writing copy based on a presentation; creating a presentation from a text document; or making an executive summary of a large document.

  5. Proofreading

    A single flaw in an important document
    can tarnish your company’s reputation.

    Our proofreaders make sure that the copy meets the basic editorial and publishing standards. They also correct spelling and punctuation mistakes, typographical errors, layout and formatting issues, check for any contextually missing words, phrases or other elements. Proofreading does not cover semantic or stylistic improvement of the copy.

  6. Comparing documents

    Seeing words – comparing meanings.

    If a client asks us to update a translation after the original document has been changed, the new version of the document is compared against the old one. If the previous version of the source document is not available, the old translation is compared against the new document to identify the changes.

    If a client requests an expert opinion about an external translation, one of the steps in this process is comparing the translation against the original document to identify any semantic errors.

  7. Interpreting

    You can’t edit the spoken word; true professionals
    are your only option.

    We offer simultaneous and consecutive interpreting services, using highly professional interpreters who regularly work for the government sector. We can also provide you with the necessary equipment (simultaneous interpretation booths, microphones, transmitters and headphones).

  8. Other services

Other services

  • Notarization and certified translations
  • Professional desktop publishing
  • Transcription of audio and video recordings
  • Subtitles or voiceover translation /dubbing
  • Expert opinions
  • Advice and training on business communications and translation project management

Thank you very much! We used other translators before we found you, but the results were disappointing… Your translation was exactly what we wanted.


Experienced market players know full well to never underestimate the importance of public documents such as annual reports, offering memorandums, analytics and marketing materials. They truly define a company’s investment potential and should therefore be impeccable. After all, a single typo, mistake or stylistic flaw can sour the overall impression even if the copy is otherwise very well written. Moreover, it can undermine the reader’s confidence in the company. Preparing such documents, financial advisers and analysts spend a large portion of their working hours writing copy and getting the wording right. They usually have to revise and rewrite it over and over again; even senior managers sometimes get involved in the process. If you consider the hours and profits lost as a result of withdrawing the staff from their core business responsibilities, this approach almost doubles the cost of the public documents to the company. Global experience has shown that the desired quality of documents is best achieved by language professionals who are able to do this effectively with the minimum time and cost. This is also argued by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s “A Plain English Handbook: How to Create Clear SEC Disclosure Documents” which features a preface written by the investment guru Warren Buffett.

Evgenia Shelekhova
Account Director, Business Editor, MBA Lecturer