Exclusive Linguistic Solutions (Joint-Stock Company)

Exclusive Linguistic Solutions (ELS) prides itself on providing linguistic services of the highest quality.

We have been serving national and international  businesses since 2005. They turn to us because the average standard of copy offered in the market falls short of their requirements.

ELS provides a wide range of services to large businesses: translation, copyediting, copywriting, proofreading, page layout, quality assessment, consulting and training. The copy delivered by our experts is tailored to your needs through several processing stages. We craft unique communications.

Our guiding principle is accuracy – delivered in a concise, logical and elegant manner. Our copy, grammatically impeccable and culturally sensitive, respects the target language and steers clear of loan translations. The end result is worthy of native language professionals.

Our mission is to foster a culture of good business writing and enhance the prestige of the linguistic profession in Russia.

We go beyond being customer-oriented – we truly care about our customers. All the companies we serve have achieved a high standing in their field, be it consulting, construction, banking, or satellite systems. But when it comes to linguistic expertise, they can put their full trust in us. Working on a translation project, we often discover logical inconsistencies and various mistakes in the source copy. We make it our duty to comment on such discoveries and suggest corrections, believing that everything we put our hands to should bear the ELS quality stamp. Many of the clients are then pleased to say, “Your translation is a big improvement on the source. Would you be able to copyedit the source document for us, please?”

This is why our clients, including thought leaders and policy makers, entrust us with copy that is vital for their public image and success in achieving their strategic objectives.

Thank you very much! We used other translators before we found you, but the results were disappointing… Your translation was exactly what we wanted.


Unfortunately, even large international companies often issue public documents that contain serious grammar mistakes one should learn to avoid at school. On second reading, other aggravating flaws may be revealed, including factual, logical and semantic errors. Such faults can undermine the overall impression created by the communications even if they describe excellent products or brilliant analytical work.

Are you sure that your company never makes such mistakes?

Do you always manage to communicate exactly what you want in a beautiful, fluid and logical manner?

How long does it normally take to achieve this? How often do you have to overhaul your colleagues’ drafts?

Is dealing with the linguistic aspects of documents one of your main responsibilities? Have you received professional training in this area?

What is the resulting quality of the copy you spend so much time and effort on? Are you completely satisfied with it?

How many business opportunities might your company be losing due to inefficient time management, when valuable resources are wasted on producing substandard copy?

Is drafting important corporate documents a constant struggle and a distraction? If the answer is “yes”, then you should consider getting in touch with ELS.

We will help you express your ideas in a concise, precise and elegant manner, getting rid of cumbersome phrases, improving the logic and placing emphasis where it’s needed.

Refined simplicity, semantic accuracy and sophisticated style will become the hallmark of your communications. The recipients will better understand you and treat every word you write with respect.

The written word is one of the most important tools that help a company achieve its business goals. It deserves respect and professional handling, so let professionals take care of it.

Philipp Grigoriev
Chief Russian Editor